Double Dutch

Molecules of a mixer

We teamed up with Boundless to bring their eccentric packaging designs for Double Dutch, the premium tonic brand, to life through motion. Our bespoke animations for each illustration allowed us to tell the unique stories of each flavour at a molecular level. Our animation added an extra layer of discoverability and intrigue to the brand, bringing the characters and elements of the design to life and creating a truly rich and engaging visual experience that's both memorable and flavourful.

Agency: Boundless

Cucumber & Watermelon

Double dutch Cucumber & Watermelon frame
Double dutch Cucumber & Watermelon frame
Double dutch Cucumber & Watermelon frame
Double dutch Cucumber & Watermelon frame

Indian Tonic

Double Dutch indian tonic frame
Double Dutch indian tonic frame
Double Dutch indian tonic frame
Double Dutch indian tonic frame


Double Dutch pomegranate tonic frame
Double Dutch pomegranate tonic frame
Double Dutch pomegranate tonic frame
Double Dutch pomegranate tonic frame
